Written By: Sejal Bilwar

This is 5 Computer Science/Engineering Leadership Positions, Part 2! These are all student organizations that are looking for students like you to help out! Some benefits to these positions include content for college applications or a resume, volunteer hours, leadership experience, and more. Links to apply are included! Here is the link to Part 1 of this article in case you missed it: https://sejalbilwar.wixsite.com/engineeringpathway/post/5-cs-engineering-leadership-positions-part-1
lukupp: After observing how students struggled to find relevant opportunities and information concerning the computer science and engineering fields, lukupp was created to help out students who are looking for career guidance and other additional information. lukupp strives to give students the access to the resources they need in the most convenient way possible. We are currently looking for people to join our initiative by joining our team, becoming an ambassador, or submitting your experience!
Apply here or click the “Get Involved” tab on our website:
Superposition: Superposition is an international non-profit bridging the gender gap in STEM. Superposition is currently accepting applications for Chapter Founder & Lead. Benefits include: exclusive access to resources for hosting events, teaching STEM curriculum, connecting with companies, actively bridge the gender gap by bringing more girls in STEM and become eligible to earn Presidential Volunteer Service Award through Superposition.
Chapter Program Information: bit.ly/sp_chapterinfo
Chapter Lead Application: bit.ly/sp_chapter
Career Compass: Career Compass is a student-run organization that is dedicated to helping you with gaining a deeper understanding of your career choices. They host meetings with different professionals, excelling in their fields, from a variety of different careers and ask them questions to help gain a deeper understanding of career pathways and to explore a number of careers so that you can find what you want to be.
Apply here: https://bit.ly/careercompassinterest
Tech Girls United: Tech Girls United is an organization that strives to educate and inspire girls in CS to learn more by teaching girls internationally about computer science. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis so the sooner you apply the sooner you can get involved!
Apply here: https://forms.gle/HYsFms3X8fHBPHFbA
Citro Tech: Citro Tech helps empower minorities in the tech and science field. Whether you enjoy editing videos, coding, or marketing, you'll find your place in one of 4 teams: research/blog writers, content creators, project developers, and outreach.
Apply here + more information: https://linktr.ee/citrotech